From Bollywood celebs like Akshay Kumar and Sunidhi Chauhan to international stars Justin Bieber and Lady Gaga have shared their grief and sorrow at the death of pop star Whitney Houston, one of the world's best-selling and highly-awarded music artists.
Houston died Saturday noon in a hotel in Beverly Hills. She was 48. People took to Twitter to express their sorrow on the loss of a legend:
Singer Sunidhi Chauhan: Can't believe Whitney Houston is gone.. Shattered! The loss of one of the greatest voices of all time!!
Akshay Kumar: R.I.P. Whitney Houston. I will always love you.
Sonu Niigaam: One of my biggest inspirations in diversifying from what I knew as a musician, to what I was destined to become, has left without meeting me. The world will never be the same without her. Whitney Houston, Rest in Peace!
Kim Kardashian: Whitney Houston, GBNF, the loss of a legend.
Justin Bieber: R.I.P Whitney Houston. My prayers go out to her family and friends. We will always love you. Remember that you are a true legend which the world has lost.
Lady Gaga: You may be gone, but you will never be forgotten. Your music will live on & will keep inspiring our future generation. This's maybe a sign to people who struggling with drug addiction. Hopefully it'd NOT take the life of another talent. Her voice that transcends all genres. A voice was a gift from Heaven & now it's been taken back to where it came from.
Miley Cyrus: Big inspiration and great voice.
Monday, February 13, 2012 11:40 IST